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IEEE 8th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (InECCE 2025)

IEEE 8th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (InECCE 2025)

Call for Papers/Call for Reviewers

IEEE 8th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (InECCE 2025)
Conference Website: LINK

27 – 28th August 2025
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS), Malaysia Section Chapter is pleased to announce the IEEE 8th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (InECCE 2025) that will be held on 27 – 28 August 2025 in Kuantan, Pahang, MALAYSIA. This Conference also offers a Hybrid format for International participants to provide an excellent platform among others for knowledge exchange between researchers, scientists, academicians and engineers working in the areas of control and automations, computer engineering, instrumentation and measurement, as well as sustainable energy and power engineering fields.

The IEEE 8th InECCE2025 is an international conference organized by Malaysian IEEE Control System Society, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, and research groups, to communicate their research results and innovative applications.

Authors are invited to submit full papers in the following areas of interest (but not limited to):

* Robotics, Intelligent System & Control Engineering
* Advanced Metrology & Sensing
* Computational System Intelligence
* Power Electronics & Drives
* Applied Electronics
* Energy & Power Systems

Through our selective review process and meticulous quality control measures, all accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and indexed in Scopus.

Full-Paper Submission Deadline: 31st January 2025
Acceptance Notification : 1st April 2025
Camera Ready Manuscript : 15th June 2025
Payment & Registration : 15th June 2025
Conference Days : 27-28 August 2025


We are also welcoming you to be part of the team as reviewers. Kindly please register as reviewers by the following link.

We are excited to receive your contributions and welcome you to the InECCE2025.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.

Best Regards.
Conference Chair

[UMPSA NEWS] UMPSA-BJTU Dual Degree Programme Pioneer Graduates Enhance Nation’s Rail Industry Development

[UMPSA NEWS] UMPSA-BJTU Dual Degree Programme Pioneer Graduates Enhance Nation’s Rail Industry Development

BEIJING, 8 January 2025 – Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) marked a new milestone when the first cohort of 45 graduates from the UMPSA-Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) collaboration programme completed their studies in Railway Engineering.

Out of the total, ten students graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 20 in Mechanical Engineering, and 15 in Civil Engineering.

With the graduation of these pioneer UMPSA-BJTU students, Malaysia is now prepared to propel the rail industry with a highly skilled local workforce capable of supporting the development of the rail sector both domestically and internationally.

UMPSA is the first university in Malaysia to offer a dual degree programme, allowing students to study for two years at UMPSA before continuing for two and a half years at BJTU in China.

According to Professor Ts. Dr Aida Mustapha, who is acting as the Vice-Chancellor of UMPSA, this programme successfully adopted a work-based learning (WBL) approach that is industry-oriented and offers students industrial experience in China.

“This achievement is a significant step toward producing skilled workers to support the development of Malaysia’s rail sector, including the mega project East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), expected to commence operations in 2026.

“UMPSA deeply appreciates the support from the Public Service Department (JPA), the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia, and our collaboration with BJTU.

“This dual degree programme opens a new chapter in the partnership between UMPSA and BJTU, strengthening strategic collaboration and expanding opportunities in research and academic development for both universities,” she said.

She also added that the growth of the manufacturing and industrial sectors in Malaysia currently requires more experts and skilled professionals in various technological fields.

“Furthermore, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is also seen as a catalyst for the national education system,” she added.

Since its introduction in 2021, a total of 102 students have participated in this programme, focusing on developing expertise related to rail technology.

Source: LINK

RoboFTKEE War 02 Returns with Exciting Action at FTKEE UMPSA

RoboFTKEE War 02 Returns with Exciting Action at FTKEE UMPSA

On January 18, 2025, FTKEE hosted the highly anticipated RoboFTKEE War 02, showcasing the innovative spirit and technical brilliance of its students. The event featured 6 robot models designed by FTKEE students and 2 additional models operated by the children of FTKEE staff, highlighting creativity and inclusivity. This initiative began in Semester 1 of the 2024/2025 academic year with two training sessions to prepare participants for the competition. During this time, contestants worked diligently to develop their robot models, culminating in an exciting competition day.

The opening ceremony featured a heartfelt speech by Professor Ts. Dr. Hamdan Bin Daniyal, Dean of FTKEE, followed by a competition briefing from the Program Director, Associate Professor Dr. Razali Bin Daud. The competition began with individual league rounds, where robots competed in two groups of four. Winners advanced to knockout rounds, culminating in a Grand Finale to determine the Champion and Runner-Up.
The event also included a thrilling Duo Battle, where teams of two robots faced off in knockout rounds to identify the Duo Battle Champion and Runner-Up.

The program was led by Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Razali Bin Daud, supported by a dedicated team including Mr. Falfazli Bin Mat Jusof, Dr. Nur Aqilah Binti Othman, Dr. Suliana Binti Ab Ghani, Ts. Dr. Mohd Riduwan Bin Ghazali, Mr. Mohd Zahir Bin Salim, Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Addie Irawan Bin Hashim, and Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadhil Bin Abas. The EEES Club Committee also played a key role in ensuring the smooth execution of the event.

The closing ceremony was graced by Associate Professor Dr. Herwan Bin Sulaiman, Deputy Dean of Research, FTKEE, who delivered the closing speech and presented awards to participants and winners. RoboFTKEE War 02 provided participants with valuable knowledge, skills, and time management experience in completing their robot projects. The event not only fostered technical skills but also encouraged teamwork, innovation, and perseverance among students.

This exciting competition reflects FTKEE's commitment to nurturing young talents and promoting innovation in robotics. It serves as a stepping stone for students to excel in the field of engineering and technology. Here’s to more remarkable innovations in the future!

Lawatan Makmal Bagi Penilaian Program Akademik oleh Panel Penilai Luar

Lawatan Makmal Bagi Penilaian Program Akademik oleh Panel Penilai Luar

Pada 16 Januari 2025, Makmal Latihan Kejuruteraan menerima kunjungan Panel Penilai Luar yang bertujuan menilai kelengkapan bengkel dan kemudahan latihan bagi program SBEE (Separuh Masa) dan BEL. Lawatan ini penting untuk memastikan fasiliti yang disediakan memenuhi piawaian akademik serta keperluan semasa industri. Panel Penilai memberikan perhatian khusus kepada persekitaran kerja makmal yang teratur, bersih, dan kondusif. Persekitaran sebegini bukan sahaja mencerminkan komitmen terhadap pengajaran berkualiti tinggi tetapi juga menyokong keberkesanan pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar.

Semasa lawatan, berlangsung diskusi mendalam antara Panel Penilai dan pensyarah kejuruteraan. Perbincangan tersebut memberi tumpuan kepada tiga aspek utama: kelengkapan makmal, modul pengajaran, dan kesesuaian fasiliti dengan keperluan industri. Panel meninjau pelbagai kemudahan teknikal yang digunakan untuk latihan praktikal, memastikan peralatan tersebut selaras dengan perkembangan terkini dalam sektor tenaga, elektronik, dan automasi. Pensyarah turut menerangkan struktur modul pengajaran yang direka untuk menggabungkan teori dengan aplikasi praktikal, selain mempertimbangkan cadangan panel untuk menambah elemen pembelajaran berasaskan projek (PBL) bagi meningkatkan kreativiti dan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah.

Panel turut menilai kesesuaian fasiliti makmal dengan keperluan industri semasa. Mereka menekankan pentingnya ruang latihan yang mampu menyokong pembangunan kemahiran pelajar, seperti pengendalian mesin moden, pemprograman sistem automasi, dan simulasi teknologi hijau. Secara keseluruhan, maklum balas yang diberikan sangat positif, dengan keyakinan bahawa program SBEE dan BEL mampu melahirkan graduan yang berdaya saing dalam industri. Bagaimanapun, beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan turut dikemukakan, termasuk memperkukuh pendedahan kepada teknologi baharu seperti kecerdasan buatan (AI) dan Internet Pelbagai Benda (IoT), meningkatkan kolaborasi projek bersama industri, dan menambah baik dokumentasi proses pemantauan keselamatan di bengkel.

Lawatan ini bukan sahaja menjadi sesi penilaian tetapi juga peluang memperkukuh komitmen fakulti terhadap kecemerlangan akademik dan penyediaan fasiliti bertaraf dunia. Panel Penilai menyatakan keyakinan mereka terhadap usaha ini dan berharap ia dapat diteruskan serta diperkasakan pada masa hadapan, sejajar dengan perubahan pantas dalam landskap industri.

Lawatan Penilaian Program Akademik oleh Panel Penilai Luar

Lawatan Penilaian Program Akademik oleh Panel Penilai Luar

16 Jan 2025- Terima kasih kepada barisan Panel Penilai Luar iaitu Profesor Ir. Dr. Ahmad Farid Abidin @ Bharun dan Prof Madya Ir. Ts. Dr. Siti Noraini Sulaiman atas kesudian memenuhi undangan harini.

Antara objektif penilaian adalah untuk memastikan program memenuhi piawaian akademik dan keperluan industri, menyediakan laluan akademik berkualiti tinggi untuk pelajar dan pekerja separa masa dan emastikan graduan dilengkapi dengan ilmu dan kemahiran relevan untuk menghadapi cabaran industri kejuruteraan.

Harapan kami agar penilaian ini dapat memperkukuh kurikulum, meningkatkan kualiti pembelajaran, dan membuka lebih banyak peluang kejayaan kepada pelajar kita.

Sesi Tautan Mesra Naib Canselor Bersama Staf Akademik FTKEE

Sesi Tautan Mesra Naib Canselor Bersama Staf Akademik FTKEE

Staf FTKEE dipelawa untuk menghadiri Sesi Tautan Mesra Naib Canselor Bersama Staf Akademik FTKEE yang akan berlangsung seperti ketetapan berikut:

📅 Khamis, 23 Januari 2025
⏰ 4:00 petang
📍 Bankuet Canseleri Tun Abdul Razak, UMPSA Pekan

Sesi Pembentangan & Demonstrasi Senior Design Project II (SDP 2)

Sesi Pembentangan & Demonstrasi Senior Design Project II (SDP 2)

📅 Tarikh: Jumaat, 17 Januari 2025
⏰ Masa: 8:00 pagi - 4:30 petang
📍 Lokasi: Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik
Apa yang Menanti Anda?
Para pelajar akan mempersembahkan idea-idea inovatif mereka melalui projek tahun akhir yang penuh inspirasi! Saksikan sendiri hasil kerja keras dan kreativiti pelajar FTKEE.
Jom Beri Sokongan!
Mari kita raikan bakat dan usaha pelajar kita dalam menghasilkan solusi teknologi yang mampu membawa perubahan!

[IKIM FM] Kereta  Elektrik (EV): Teknologi Masa Depan di Malaysia

[IKIM FM] Kereta Elektrik (EV): Teknologi Masa Depan di Malaysia

[IKIM FM] Kereta Elektrik (EV): Teknologi Masa Depan di Malaysia bersama Ts. Muhammad Ikram, Pensyarah FTKEE UMPSA.

Tonton secara langsung: LINK

Setinggi-Tinggi Tahniah Kepada YBhg. Profesor Dr. Yatimah Alias

Setinggi-Tinggi Tahniah Kepada YBhg. Profesor Dr. Yatimah Alias

Sekalung tahniah diucapkan kepada YBhg. Prof. Dr. Yatimah Alias atas perlantikan sebagai Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) berkuat kuasa mulai 13 Januari 2025.

BEL4724 Undergraduate Research Project (URP2 EKSELEN) Exhibition and BEL3111 Engineering Design Principal (EDP)

BEL4724 Undergraduate Research Project (URP2 EKSELEN) Exhibition and BEL3111 Engineering Design Principal (EDP)

The BEL4724 Undergraduate Research Project (URP2 EKSELEN) Exhibition and BEL3111 Engineering Design Principal (EDP) Proposal Presentation were successfully held at the Astaka, UMPSA Gambang Campus. This exhibition showcased the exceptional work of BEL program students, who presented their projects with great commitment and innovation.

37 URP2 projects were presented, alongside 14 group project proposals from EDP students. Congratulations to all students and supervisors on their dedication and outstanding achievements.

Special accolades go to the winners of the URP2 Best Project Awards:

  • Most Popular Project: Noor Haznisya Binti Mohd Azmi (EC21098)
    "Study on Effect of Modifying Photoelectrode’s Structuralization towards Output Characteristics of DSSCs"

  • Best Project (Electrical): Bahirathan A/L Subramanian (EC21071)
    "Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Powered GUI Passive Filter Design for Harmonic Mitigation"

  • Best Project (Electronics): Soh Jia Wen (EC21067)
    "Design of Real-Time Monitoring of Human Pose Estimation and Joint Angle Analysis for Exercise Tracking"

Congratulations to all the winners for their remarkable accomplishments! May these successes inspire other students to continue producing innovative work and contribute positively to the engineering field. A big thank you to everyone involved in making this event a success.

— Hubungi
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Pekan Campus,
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia.
+609-431 5015