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CSR Programme - The Tour Visit of Secondary School Students at BMU FTKEE UMPSA

CSR Programme - The Tour Visit of Secondary School Students at BMU FTKEE UMPSA

May 31, 2024 - The Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology (FTKEE) at UMPSA organized a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme involving a tour visit for secondary school students, coordinated by the Centre for Modern Languages.

During the visit, students received a briefing on the various programs offered at FTKEE by Ts. Dr. Mohd Shafie bin Bakar. Additionally, they toured the ROBOCON facilities, supervised by Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Razali Daud.

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Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Pekan Campus,
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia.
+609-431 5015
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