Official Website    

Society in Malaysia Related to Electrical & Electronics Engineering

A) Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) 

What is BEM?

The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM; Malay: Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia) is a statutory authority founded in 1972 representing the engineering profession in Malaysia.  The institute is responsible for the maintenance of the registration of engineering Graduates and Professional Engineers.

BEM Board Members :

(from BEM website :

  • President
  • 14 Professional Engineers from various sectors :
    • 5 from public sector. 
    • 5 from private practice. 
    • 2 from local authority or statutory authority. 
    • 2 from private sector (full time employment).
  • 1 representative of the Board of Architects Malaysia.
  • 1 representative of the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia.

Function of BEM :

(from BEM website :

  • Keep and Maintain the Register for Professional Engineers, Graduate Engineers, Engineering Consultancy Practise, Accredited Checkers, Professional Engineers with Practising Certificate, Engineering Technologist and Inspector of Works.
  • Process Applications for Registration
  • Assessment of Academic Qualifications - Engineering Degree Programme by EAC
  • Assessment of Academic Qualifications - Engineering Technology and Engineering Technician Programmes by ETAC
  • Regulate the Conduct and Ethics of the Engineering Profession
  • Disputes on Professional Conduct and Ethics
  • Fix the Scale of Fees
  • Stakeholder in a contract for Professional Engineer services
  • Publication - promoting engineering profession through The Ingenieurand other printed materials
  • Promotion of Continued Learning and Education


B) Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)

What is IEM Malaysia?

The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, better known as the IEM, is a professional learned society serving more than 16,000 members in and outside Malaysia, and the communities in which they work. The IEM was formed in 1959 and was admitted as a member of the Commonwealth Engineers Council in 1962.

The Membership of IEM shall consist of two classes :

(from IEM website :


1) Corporate Members - comprise of six grades, (a) Distinguished Honorary Fellows, (b) Honorary Fellows, (c) Fellows, (d) Distinguished Members, (e) Senior Members and (f) Members

2) Non-corporate Members – comprise of nine grades, (a) Distinguished Honorary Fellows, (b) Honorary Fellows, (c) Honorary Members, (d) Companions, (e) Graduate Members, (f) Incorporated Members, (g) Affiliate Members, (h) Associate Members and (i) Student Members

Function & Objectives of IEM:

(from IEM website :


IEM is a society established to promote and advance the Science and Profession of Engineering in any or all its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to Engineering.

Objectives of IEM :

  • to hold meetings, exhibitions and visits, and such other activities as The Institution may deem incidental or conducive to the promotion or attainment of the profession of engineering.
  • to raise the character and status and advance the interests of the profession of engineering and those engaged therein;
  • to promote honourable practice. and professional etiquette among members of The Institution;
  • to communicate to members information on all matters affecting the profession of engineering and to print, publish, issue and circulate such publications as may seem conducive to any of the objectives of the Institution; and
  • to do such other things as the Institution may think incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of The Institution


C) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

What is IEEE – Malaysia Section?

IEEE is a global organization composed of engineers, scientists, and students. It is an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, and is the world's largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.

IEEE's roots go back to 1884 when electricity began to become a major influence in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which since the 1840s had come to connect the world with a data communications system faster than the speed of transportation. The telephone and electric power and light industries had just gotten underway.

Some information related to IEEE:

(from IEEE website :

  • Represent more than 426,000 members in 160 countries with 45 Societies and Technical Councils covering a wide range of IEEE technical interests.
  • Publish more than 160 Transactions, Journals and Magazines.
  • Sponsor more than 1,600 conferences in more than 80 countries.
  • Have developed more than 1,600 standards and projects
  • Have more than 300 Sections in 10 geographic Regions.
  • Have nearly 4 millions documents in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
  • Have offices in China, India, Japan, Singapore and the United States.
— Contact
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Pekan Campus,
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia.
+609-431 5015
— Social Network