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 Academic Visit by EEES, FTKEE UMPSA to FTKE, UTEM

Academic Visit by EEES, FTKEE UMPSA to FTKE, UTEM

A delegation of 16 members from EEES, FTKEE UMPSA visited FTKE, UTEM for an academic visit and to establish a connection between the two student clubs of the EEES and e-TESA faculties.

After an introductory session in the morning, we were taken on a tour of the FTKEE UTEM laboratories. In the afternoon, a benchmarking meeting was held where both clubs exchanged ideas on management practices and activities at their respective locations. Several suggestions for organizing joint activities between the two clubs in the future were also discussed.

The visit concluded with remarks from the Deputy Dean of Student Development and Alumni (DDSDA) of FTKE UTEM, Ts. Dr. Muhammad Sharil Yahya. Also present was the advisor of e-TESA, Ts. Aminurrashid Noordin.

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Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Pekan Campus,
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia.
+609-431 5015
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