Fabulous Talk with Nadia Soffia: Ways to Become an Excellent Student

Fabulous Talk with Nadia Soffia: Ways to Become an Excellent Student

Assalamualaikum and Greetings,

We are pleased to inform you that the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Society (EEES) will be organizing the Fabulous Talk with Nadia Soffia.

This program is organized to share with students ways to excel in both academics and extracurricular activities despite having a busy study schedule.

The program details are as follows:

  • Date: 25 May 2024 (Saturday)
  • Time: 10:00am-12:30pm
  • Venue: Lecture Hall 2, FTKEE

✅ Food and participation certificates will be provided ✅ Open to all students

📍 Participant registration can be done via the Google Form link below: https://forms.gle/DzmqGYQrj1wKKKyD6

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